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School Formal

School Formals - What tie to wear?

School Formal Picture

Aside from exams, probably the biggest day of the year (and obviously more looked forward to than the dreaded exams) for teenagers finishing their final year at high school is their school formal. Students are able to celebrate the end of practically a lifetime of studying in school before heading off to higher education or gainful employment with a wonderful occasion containing all the pomp and celebration that they deserve.

These days some lucky year 11 students get to participate depending on their school and, according to Wikipedia, even year 10 students at some schools. The school formal (also known as a ball in New Zealand) is the equivalent of the much anticipated school Prom in the United States and Canada.

So for a young man looking to make an impression on this big occasion, what kind of tie is best suited? Are there rights and wrongs and how about colour choices? Here are some tips to possibly bring a bit more clarity:

Plain ties: This is obviously the most classic choice. A regular styled tie that will fit with any black jacket/pants white shirt combo. Young men can consult their dates to see what colour dress is planned to be worn and wear a tie to match or even if the girl in question has dyed her hair as in the picture above, a tie to match that could also work. Another option to go with this tie is partnering it with a pocket square to add a splash of extra colour to a plain black jacket.

Skinny tie: In general, a skinny tie is considered a bit more 'trendy' than the wider variety. Going back in history, pretty much all fashion icons have at some stage been photographed wearing one and in some people's view, a wide tie is a bit too old fashioned for a casual event.

Finally a Bow tie is an option that many choose to take. Our pre-tied bow ties save a lot of hassle with needing to know how to tie a tie, getting a good knot and then having it hanging down during the evening. A bow tie is compact and classic. There's also the option of pairing it with a matching cummerbund to achieve that 'James Bond' super suave look.

Whatever the option that's taken, Aussie Ties has choices for any taste in 50 colours to match almost any formal dress.

School Formal Picture